The 2020 DeGroot - Akins Nursing Scholarship Banquet is in the books!
Each member of our club contributed something to this year's gala. Our silent auction items were big hits! Many of our donors brought something home.
The January 25th, 2020 Akins/DeGroot Nursing Scholarship awarded $13,000 this year to five nursing school students. The top awardee was given another $5000 from the Schulman Foundation in which they invited the other student to apply for addition funds. The Gala took place at the Santa Ana Hotel ballrooms and became the who’s who of the medical community. Three hospitals, 3 nursing accredited nursing colleges, and many local business and programs that provide medially related services joined in ensuring that local talent is supported by distributing $18,000 in just one night.
It was fun too-music, wine bar, 50-50 raffle, silent auction and a fabulous steak dinner-who says you can’t have fun while serving the community.
They Akins-DeGroot Scholarship Nursing Gala have awarded over $115,000 in the last decade. Come check out the fun and support Rio Rancho-Next year’s event is January 23rd. Scholarship applications can be submitted form the end of September util mid November 2020.
Club President, Richard Bruce, Rotarians Rick and Roz Akins and Karen Chalmers
Commissioner Jim Owen, Club President Elect Kathleen Cates and Mayor Greg Hull